Sunday, February 9, 2014

Enjoy Your Travelling With Beijing Airport Layover

First of all, about my positive experience with Beijing Airport Layover Tours.

Yes, I enjoyed a lot. Beijing Airport Transit is the best activity for you to choose from if you have plenty of transit hours in Beijing. They offer wide range of Beijing airport layover tour which enables you to choose the best Beijing attractions that you wish to visit. 

Everyday thousands of travelers sit for hours in Beijing airport , waiting for their flight out, to leave or arrive. Beijing layover time doesn't have to be wasted time. It can be one of the most exciting parts of the trip.

Most of Beijing's iconic sights are located in a fairly small geographic area.

Beijing  layover tours are a real bargain, especially when you consider the savings in airfare and hotel if one were to make a special trip just to visit Beijing. Often, travelers have to pay for transfers anyway.

Tiananmen Square is reputed to be the largest urban plaza in the world, with a stated capacity of 600,000 people, each to his own checkerboard square. Geometrically, the square is large enough to accommodate 1,687 tennis courts.

The creation of Tiananmen Square was, evidently, part of a greater strategic urban plan. In 1958, the historian C. P. Fitzgerald had observed in his Flood Tide in China:

The purpose of an imperial city was to enshrine the palace, which indeed occupied a very large part of the whole walled enclosure.... Wide straight streets ran from north to south and east to west, streets far wider than the traffic of the age required/ a fact which has fortunately saved Peking from the sad necessity of demolishing many ancient buildings to accommodate the traffic of modern times. The purpose of this design was probably not so much a qeomantic requirement as a measure of military precaution.

When you find yourself facing a longer than expected layover in the airport, think about it positively. Use the time to have fun with your kids - and be a kid yourself again!

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